G.R. No. 6878, September 13, 1913


FACTS: Marcelina Edroso was married to Victoriano Sablan until his death. In this marriage they had a son named Pedro and who at his father's death inherited the two said parcels.  Pedro also died unmarried and without issue, and by his decease the two parcels of land passed through inheritance to his mother, Marcelina Edroso.  Hence the hereditary title whereupon is based the application for registration of her ownership.

Two legitimate brothers of Victoriano Sablan—Pedro Sablan and Basilio Sablan—appeared in the case to oppose the registration claiming that the registration of the parcels of land mu be either denied or if granted, be reserved in their favor.

ISSUE: Whether the parcels of land may be registered  in the name of the reservista?

RULING: Yes, MarcelIna is entitled to register in her own name, however, a right should be reserved in favor of the 2 uncles of the deceased. The conclusion is that the reservista has the rights of use and usufruct.  He has, moreover, for the reasons set forth, the legal title and dominion, although under a condition subsequent. Clearly he has, under an express provision of the law, the right to dispose of the property reserved, and to dispose of is to alienate, although under a condition. In a word, the legal title and dominion, even though under a condition, reside in him while he lives.

On the other hand, the relatives within the third degree in whose favor the right is reserved cannot dispose of the property, first because it is in no way, either actually, constructively or formally, in their possession; and, moreover, because they have no title of ownership or of fee simple which they can transmit to another.
