G.R. No. 195909               September 26, 2012

St. Luke's is a hospital organized as a non-stock and non-profit corporation. The BIR assessed St. Luke's deficiency taxes amounting toP76,063,116.06 for 1998, comprised of deficiency income tax, value-added tax, withholding tax on compensation and expanded withholding tax. The BIR reduced the amount to P63,935,351.57 during trial in the First Division of the CTA. St. Luke's filed an administrative protest with the BIR against the deficiency tax assessments. The BIR argued that Section 27(B) of the NIRC, which imposes a 10% preferential tax rate on the income of proprietary non-profit hospitals, should be applicable to St. Luke's. The former claimed that St. Luke's was actually operating for profit in 1998 because only 13% of its revenues came from charitable purposes. Moreover, the hospital's board of trustees, officers and employees directly benefit from its profits and assets. St. Luke's maintained that it is a non-stock and non-profit institution for charitable and social welfare purposes under Section 30(E) and (G) of the NIRC. It argued that the making of profit per se does not destroy its income tax exemption.

Whether St. Luke's is liable for deficiency income tax in 1998 under Section 27(B) of the NIRC, which imposes a preferential tax rate of 10% on the income of proprietary non-profit hospitals.

Yes. There is no dispute that St. Luke's is organized as a non-stock and non-profit charitable institution. However, this does not automatically exempt St. Luke's from paying taxes. This only refers to the organization of St. Luke's. Even if St. Luke's meets the test of charity, a charitable institution is not ipso facto tax exempt. To be exempt from real property taxes, Section 28(3), Article VI of the Constitution requires that a charitable institution use the property "actually, directly and exclusively" for charitable purposes. To be exempt from income taxes, Section 30(E) of the NIRC requires that a charitable institution must be "organized and operated exclusively" for charitable purposes. Likewise, to be exempt from income taxes, Section 30(G) of the NIRC requires that the institution be "operated exclusively" for social welfare.

St. Luke's fails to meet the requirements under Section 30(E) and (G) of the NIRC to be completely tax exempt from all its income. However, it remains a proprietary non-profit hospital under Section 27(B) of the NIRC as long as it does not distribute any of its profits to its members and such profits are reinvested pursuant to its corporate purposes. St. Luke's, as a proprietary non-profit hospital, is entitled to the preferential tax rate of 10% on its net income from its for-profit activities. St. Luke's is therefore liable for deficiency income tax in 1998 under Section 27(B) of the NIRC.
